The Whitley Hotel
Atlanta Ga.



6 Simple Steps to Heal Your Life

A Step-By-Step System

Raise Your Life

Live Fulfilled & EMPOWERED


Do you wish life was easier at times?

  • Do you wonder why some people or things keep repeating in your life?
  •  Would you like to finally release the things in your past that continue to bother you?
  •  Are you frustrated with how you give more than is returned?
  • ​Do you ever feel vulnerable and get hurt because you care and love deeply?
    • ​Do you feel there is something GREATER inside you more than what you are doing right now?
    • ​​Do you feel there is a purpose in your life that you want to find ? 
    • ​Are you living your purpose and want to take it to another level?
    • ​Do you want to understand Who you are created to BE and LIVE IT every day?

    Live Empowered

    Live a Spirit, Mind, Body Life! 

    Create Inner Peace 

    Release all Stress, Anxiety, and feel Peace in your heart

    Fulfill Your Purpose

    Know and LIVE Your Fulfilling Soul Purpose 

    If you want to LIVE who you are created to be, and fulfill your Soul Purpose, you want H.E.A.L.E.D.

    We are not humans seeking spiritual experiences. We are spirits having a human experience.

    Do you believe this?

    If you are willing to adopt this belief, follow the steps of H.E.A.L.E.D., you will begin to realize the difference between your humanity and your Divinity.

    This will raise your awareness of your true identity, your purpose, why you are here in this life and the Blessing of everything that has, and will happen, in your life!

    What makes H.E.A.L.E.D. Different?

    H.E.A.L.E.D. is a PROGRESSIVE, 6 STEP-BY-STEP system to raise your spiritual awareness and helps you LIVE your BEST Life NOW!

    It takes spiritual principles from MANY SOURCES, including original Divinely, downloaded inspirations, and puts them into a system ANYONE can understand and follow.

    You don’t have to KNOW ANYTHING in advance!


    It makes a typically complicated process of spiritual evolution PREDICTABLE and EASY!

    With EACH of the 6 steps of H.E.A.L.E.D. you feel yourself awakening, becoming empowered and each step gives you tools you can use for LIFE, so you can handle ANY situation.

    You can see how your human experiences are here to help you fulfill your soul purpose. It helps you release your painful experiences, see from a Higher, more spiritually based perspective, to find the gift, purpose and Higher meaning in EVERY human and life encounter

    You FEEL more empowered, more inner peace, more grounded and more confident with who you are and WHY you are here.

    You release all that is NOT true about you, and begin to LIVE your BEST LIFE with EXACTLY who you are created to BE!

    Use these 6 Steps of H.E.A.L.E.D. tools for LIFE! H.E.A.L.E.D. is a spiritually based, grounded, self-confident LIFESTYLE!
    Every time you process through it again, you continue to reach NEW levels of awareness! Use it for LIFE.  Just follow the steps AGAIN!

    What are the 6 Steps of the H.E.A.L.E.D.  System? 

    • HONOR God within yourself
    • EXERCISE loving yourself & others
    • ACCEPT and forgive yourself & others
    • ​LIVE in the now 
    • ​ESTABLISH Your purpose & mission
    • ​DELIVER it to the world
    •  You will FEEL a Divine power inside you and bring it out.
    •  You will learn how to Love yourself and others unconditionally and effortlessly.       
    •  You will realize how everything that happened in your life was there to help you, even the most painful moments.
    • You will release all negative emotions and feel an Inner state of PEACE and Loving calmness.
    • The whispers of God and your spirit will direct you in every step of your BEST life.
    • ​ ​Your soul purpose will be revealed on higher levels for your most fulfilling life!

    How does H.E.A.L.E.D. help you LIVE your most  EMPOWERED life and fulfill your soul purpose?

    •  35 H.E.A.L.E.D. Transforming videos
    •  H.E.A.L.E.D. Transforming Workbook
    •  6 H.E.A.L.E.D. Masterclasses
    •  H.E.A.L.E.D. Guided Meditations
    • ​Introduction to HEALED Webinars

    What is NOT being in the H.E.AL.E.D. System COSTING you?

    There are MANY spiritual and self-empowerment systems, books, videos, trainings and teachers. ALL are a great benefit individually.

    When you try to put it all the puzzle pieces together on your own, it can be very confusing. H.E.A.L.E.D. puts it all into a step-by-step organized, deliberate order and system that makes it ALL EASY. JUST FOLLOW THE STEPS and you will TRANSCEND!

    You Can Stop

    •  Trying to figure out “How” to evolve on your own.
    •   End your frustration of “What” do you have to do next?
    •  Stop searching for “Where” to look for your next book, lesson, or program for your next level of evolution.
    • ​Stop feeling stuck in uncertainty, inconsistency and questioning.
    •   Read more about H.E.A.L.E.D

    How To Start
    LIVING Your Best
    Soul Purpose
    In Life

    Stop feeling stuck at the same level of satisfaction in your life. You may be successful or are striving for success, when there may be something inside you that realizes there is MORE for you in this life. Instead, reach for your BEST life and BE who you are created to BE NOW!
    •  Join the Facebook Group
    • Get the Audio and /or physical book
    •  Invest in your BEST LIFE with H.E.A.L.E.D Online
    "We help people who want a breakthrough, feel frustrated and stuck in their life,
    and guide them on an awakening journey through the 6 steps of H.E.A.L.E.D, to live a more empowered, meaningful life. Helping them to fulfill their soul's purpose"
    ...this is such a true gift to humanity and this needs to go around the world...
    - Dr. Nicole Bonner
    "...the greatest lesson I learned was a deepened understanding of the fact that we are spirits first..."
    – Dr. Randy Michaux

    Do You Have Questions ?

    E-mail Dr. Fred DiDomenico

    If you are ready to make a DIFFERENCE in your life RIGHT NOW, talk to me, and/or just JOIN NOW!

    Your next level of consciousness and life
    is in your next step.

    What is it?

    Introducing the 6 step system to owning  your own power 
    You Are More Powerful online coaching is an experiential program that guides you through the powerful, inside out, transforming 6– step spiritual and emotional awakening system called H.E.A.L.E.D.  
    These H.E.A.L.E.D. steps will bring you closer to discovering 
    the innate universal intelligence that lies within everyone. 
    •   Read more about H.E.A.L.E.D

    How does it work?

    You Are More Powerful consists of 39 consecutive Videos guiding you through the progressive system of H.E.A.L.E.D., accompanied by a workbook with questions and exercises guiding you along your awakening journey through all the successive experiences solidifying and anchoring the information to create your inside out, divinely intended transformation experience. 

    For more information on course, and to preview the curriculum, click below.
    •   Read more about H.E.A.L.E.D

    Connect with Dr.Fred

    © 2023 You Are More Powerful LLC.